...(Sung to the tune of Copacabana....)
Just because she means the world to me, and she's turning 10 this fall, I'm sharing my gorgeous little fluffball with you! Romy (yes, after Romy & Michelle) knows just how to cheer me up. Like a little puppy, she comes running to greet me at the door when I arrive home, she loves to follow me into the bathroom when I pee, and she has the daintiest little meow, except when she's hungry... I have a cat magnet that I found that reads "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy!" Haha, that's totally my kitty.
...and Romy trying her go at modeling. Excellent leg placement!
The story on how I obtained her is pretty neat. When I was 19 (wow, I feel so old!) my friend Herby and I went to the flea market and came across this lady with a FREE KITTENS! sign. My first time living away from home and with no cat, I HAD to get one! She gave us her address and we headed over there a few days later. This woman was *totally* the epitome of "crazy cat lady"!!!! Seriously, her whole house was covered in plastic and there was probably about 20 cats, who had all had kittens at the same time. She said they were all free, except the Siamese, which were only $20. I felt like a kid in a candy store!! I have a weakness for tuxedo cats, and when I saw little Romy, I knew she was the one! My little baby kitty!
Soooo...... SHOW ME YOUR PETS!! Post a photo, I wanna see your babies too!
oxox Jen
So we took a day off and headed over to my favorite town Monterey today to check out the Aquarium. I've been going here since I was a kid, and I never get sick of it. Honestly, the best aquarium I've ever been to! I was extra excited this time, since they have a temporary Great White Shark in one of their tanks, along with a new seahorse exhibit! Sea life nerd!
There she is! She's up from San Diego I believe they said. Only about 10 ft. long, and shy, so it was hard to get a clear shot!
The Secret Lives of Seahorses! Look at how HUGE this one is!! Hahaha, jk it's video!
Potbellied seahorse. Looks like someone had too many beers, and passed out! :P
No camera trickery here, this little dude was seriously this bright red!
I matched the seahorses! I've got the blending in thing down.
Seadragon Horse! So mystical and fairy-like!
I'm so stoked that they have Cuttlefish again! They're my favorites! Part of the squid family, they swim funny and have old man mustaches! Love their sleepy eyes too!
Asian River Otters, so cute!
Sheep Crab! This guy was seriously almost the size of a Soccer ball!
They have this awesome rounded walkway that shoots water out every few seconds. I'm totally catching this bitchin' barrel, bro!
I want her job!! Oh, and for those Star Trek nerds..... Star Trek 4 anyone? It's funny how mixed up that movie is. The Aquarium is the "Institute" and they made it right north of San Francisco, which in reality, Monterey is about 2 hours south, haha. movie shot (note SF in the background & whale in the tank) vs. reality (the tank is really super shallow!).
Afterward, still in an adventurous mood, we went and checked out the Wax Museum's "Spirit of Monterey", hahaha. It was pretty ehhhhh, but had some great costumes & a whorehouse!
Random Sea Otter spotting! Grubbin'
Cutest candy storefront ever! On Fisherman's Wharf.
Topped off the night with a gentle rainstorm, and a giant ice cream cone! nom nom nom!